Ice Core Early Career Researchers Workshop (ICECReW) 2023

May 7 and 8, 2023

University of Washington, Seattle

Sponsors: NSF Hercules Dome Ice Core Project
Conveners: Ursula Jongebloed, Emma Robertson, Julia Andreasen, T.J. Fudge, and Bess Koffman

Application Deadline: February 10, 2023
Application Form: (the application window is now closed)


ICECReW is a professional development workshop for early-career researchers. It will be held in-person for 1.5 days leading up to the 2nd US Ice Core Open Science Meeting (i.e., May 7-8), with the larger science conference May 8-10. Participants will meet with established researchers to better understand the processes involved in envisioning, planning, and funding ice core projects. This year's workshop focuses on encouraging collaboration and generating proposal ideas.


ICECReW is intended for early-career researchers whose work contributes to the drilling, processing, or interpretation of ice core data. We broadly define “early career” as someone within 3 years of PhD (before or after completion), although exceptions are welcome. Participants must be affiliated with a U.S. institution to be eligible for travel support.


The 2023 ICECReW workshop has two primary goals:

  1. Develop project ideas and write a two-page proposal summary within small, collaborative groups
  2. Identify opportunities related to ice core drilling projects past and future and network with established and early-career researchers working on ice core related science.


The workshop will be fully in-person. There are approximately 30 in-person spots for early-career researchers. The workshop will engage participants in discussions, group work, and lectures. Established researchers and NSF program officers will be invited to discuss the proposal generation and submission process and to share experiences dealing with proposal review, rejection, and resubmission. A subset of the sessions may be streamed online.


  • Saturday, May 6: Participants and speakers arrive
  • Sunday, May 7: Workshop held on the University of Washington, Seattle campus
  • Monday, May 8: Morning workshop wrap-up, transition to US Ice Core Open Science Meeting
  • Tuesday-Wednesday May 9-10: US Ice Core Open Science Meeting
  • After the workshop: Opportunities for participants to continue collaborative work

Saturday, May 6 - Hotel pool and lobby

Start timeEnd timeActivity
7:00 pm9:00 pmWelcome

Sunday, May 7 - OSB 425

Start timeEnd timeActivity
8:30 am9:00 amBreakfast and Coffee
9:00 am10:30 amIntroductions and starting to develop proposal-writing groups
10:30 am10:50 amStructured break
10:50 am12:00 pmSpeakers + panel: Bess Koffman, John Higgins, Summer Rupper, and Seth Campbell on proposal writing
12:00 pm1:00 pmLunch provided by ICECReW
1:00 pm2:00 pmSpeakers + panel: Bess Koffman, John Higgins, Summer Rupper, and Seth Campbell on proposal revising
2:00 pm2:20 pmCoffee break
2:20 pm4:45 pmBrainstorming: open-ended for 20-30 mins, goal-oriented brainstorming for remaining hour, outline 1-pager
4:45 pm5:00 pmWrap-up and leave for dinner
5:00 pm7:00 pmDinner provided by ICECReW

Monday, May 8 - OSB 425 in Urban horticulture center until noon

Start timeEnd timeActivity
8:30 am8:45 amBreakfast, Coffee, greetings
8:45 am9:45 amBegin writing 1-pager
9:45 am10:45 amSpeakers + panel: Mary Albert and Paul Cutler on IDP, NSF, what makes a good proposal
10:45 am11:45 amFinish writing 1-pager
11:45 am12:00 pmWrap-up
12:00 pm1:00 pmLunch before main meeting


  • Travel: travel expenses for attendees may be subsidized if needed
  • Lodging and meals: lodging for one night before the main conference and food expenses will be provided. Lodging will be at the University Inn two blocks from the University of Washington campus
  • COVID-19: we will continue monitoring the COVID-19 situation and update safety protocols as needed.
  • Additional accommodations: we will work with you as best we can to provide accommodations. Please indicate your need for accommodations such as childcare on your application, and we will follow up with you.

Application Form

The application period is now closed.


Application are due February 10, 2023

Meet the Team / Who We Are

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Ursula Jongebloed

PhD Candidate
University of Washington

Research interests: Sulfate aerosols and their effect on Arctic climate, atmospheric chemistry modeling.

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Emma Robertson

PhD Candidate
Penn State University

Research interests: atmospheric river climatology, remote sensing

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Julia Andreasen

PhD Candidate
University of Minnesota

Research interests: WAIS coast climatology, ice rise snow accumulation rates, remote sensing

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Bess Koffman

Assistant Professor of Geology
Colby College
Member of the IDP Science Advisory Board

Research interests: Atmospheric dust and volcanic ash, Sr-Nd-Pb radiogenic isotopes, Fe fertilization, past atmospheric circulation

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T.J. Fudge

Research Assistant Professor
University of Washington
Chair of the Ice Core Working Group

Research interests: Ice core timescales, climate histories, and choosing new sites