

  • Hills BH, Holschuh N, Hoffmann A, Horlings A, Erwin E, Kirkpatrick LR, Fudge TJ, Steig EJ, Christianson K (in press) Radar-derived crystal orientation fabric suggests dynamic stability at the summit of Hercules Dome. Journal of Geophysical Research.
  • Wolff E, Mulvaney R, Grieman M, Hoffmann H, Humby J, Nehrbass-Ahles C, Rhodes R, Rowell I, Sime L, Fischer H, Stocker T, Landais A, Parrenin F, Steig EJ, Dütsch M, Golledge N (2025) The Ronne Ice Shelf survived the last interglacial. Nature, 


  • Dütsch M, Steig EJ, Blossey PN, Pauling AG (2023) Response of Water Isotopes in Precipitation to a Collapse of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet in High-Resolution Simulations with the Weather Research and Forecasting Model. Journal of Climate, 36(16), 5417-5430.
  • Pauling AG, Bitz CM, Steig EJ (2023) Linearity of the Climate System Response to Raising and Lowering West Antarctic and Coastal Antarctic Topography. Journal of Climate, 36(18), 6195-6212.


  • Fudge TJ, Hills B, Horlings AN, Holschuh N, Christian JE, Davidge L, Hoffman A, O’Connor GK, Christianson K, Steig EJ (2022) A site for deep ice coring at West Hercules Dome: results from ground-based geophysics and modeling. Journal of Glaciology, 1-13.


  • Goursaud SO, Holloway M, Sime L, Wolff E Valdes P, Steig EJ, Pauling A (2021) Antarctic ice sheet elevation impacts on water isotope records during the Last Interglacial. Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2020GL091412.


  • Steig EJ, Huybers K, Singh HA, Steiger NJ, Frierson DMW, Popp T, White JCW (2015) Influence of West Antarctic Ice Sheet collapse on Antarctic surface climate. Geophysical Research Letters, 42, 4862-4868.


  • Jacobel R, Welch B, Steig EJ, Schneider DP (2005) Hercules Dome, Antarctica – an optimal site for deep ice core drilling. Journal of Geophysical Research – Earth Surface, 110, F01015.