Registration is open for the 4th US Ice Core Community Meeting
Registration is open for the 4th US Ice Core Community Meeting (IceCOMM), May 12-14, 2025 at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, MN, USA.
Important updates regarding Hercules Dome proposals
We are writing to provide some important updates regarding the Hercules Dome project.
Please read this email in its entirety if you are interested in submitting Hercules-Dome-related proposals in the future.
Hercules Dome Workshop and US Ice Core Community Meeting, 2025
We will host a 1/2-day Hercules Dome workshop to update the community on logistics planning, and for coordination of Hercules Dome science. Those planning to submit proposals to be part of the Hercules Dome ice-core ice-analysis team are strongly encouraged to attend. This is expected to be the first of a regular annual PI meeting for Hercules Dome.
Important updates about the Hercules Dome ice core
We have some updates regarding Hercules Dome.
The good news is that as of today, we are still "on schedule". There is always potential for further delay, depending in part how this year’s Antarctic field operations go, but the following is the current plan and guidance from conversations with NSF.
Announcing 3rd US Ice Core Open Science Meeting
The third annual US Ice Core Open Science Meeting will be held May 15-17, 2024, at the Portland Public Library in beautiful Portland, Maine.
This meeting is intended for anyone interested in ice core science or related fields, including ice-core analysis, ice or subglacial drilling, glacier geophysics that supports or depends on ice core records, paleoclimate, and contemporary climate and ice sheet change.
Ice Core Session At AGU 2023 Fall Meeting
We would like to bring your attention and encourage you to submit relevant abstracts to the following AGU 2023 Fall Meeting session:
C017 - Ice Core Records of Environmental Change
COLDEX Early Career Researcher Scholarship Fund
The Center for Oldest Ice Exploration (COLDEX) is an NSF Science and Technology Center formed in 2021 to explore Antarctica for the oldest possible ice core records of our planet’s climate and environmental history, and to help make polar science more inclusive and diverse.
Ice Core Open Science Meeting - Early Registration Ends March 15
Registration for the second annual US Ice Core Open Science Meeting is now open. The meeting will be held May 8-10, 2023, at the Center for Urban Horticulture at the University of Washington in Seattle, WA.
U.S. Ice Core Open Science Meeting Registration
Registration for the second annual US Ice Core Open Science Meeting is now open. The meeting will be held May 8-10, 2023, at the Center for Urban Horticulture at the University of Washington in Seattle, WA.
Hercules Dome Update
It has been some time since we have sent you an update on the Hercules Dome project. We are happy to be able to provide you some concrete and positive news.